10th Annual Sacred Heart Congress

Watch our 10th Annual Sacred Heart Congress held on

November 6th, 2021

Watch the Live-Stream

Featured Presenters:

Mass with Bishop Robert Brennan Bishop of the Diocese of Columbus, OH

Fr. Peter John Camron, OP. He has taught homiletics at various seminaries and is currently teaching at the Josephinum and an author of ten books. Fr. Cameron is the founding editor-in-chief of Magnificat, where he worked from 1998-2018. Fr. Cameron is the prior of St. Patrick Priory in Columbus, Ohio.

Fr. Joesph Laramie, SJ Catholic Jesuit Priest, author of Abide in the Heart of Christ and national director of the Pope's Worldwide Prayer Network.

Emily Jaminet Author of Secrets of the Sacred Heart and the Director of WelcomeHisHeart.com she can be found at www.EmilyJaminet.com

The 10th Annual Sacred Heart Congress is a yearly event to refocus all Catholics on the importance of the Heart of Jesus.

The depths of God's love know no end! We could spend every moment delving into the depths of God's love and we will still never find the limits of His love. While the primary task of the Sacred Heart Enthronement Network is to promote this devotion to the Sacred Heart through assisting with enthronement materials, we also seek to assist the faithful in deepening their knowledge of the Lord and His Sacred Heart through catechesis. Each year we organize a Sacred Heart Congress to help the faithful better honor the Sacred Heart in their home.

By attending, you’ll be:

  • Encouraged: To grow closer to the Heart of Jesus!
  • Inspired: To hear from Bishop Brennan, and Fr. Joseph Laramie and Fr. Peter John Cameron, on how the Sacred Heart Devotion is a gift for all!
  • Enlightened: On How to better live out your Catholic Faith.
  • Moved: To share enthronement as a powerful tool to bring about graces of healing, hope, and comfort to all in need of Christ's loving touch!
  • Motivated: to spread this message with family and friends.


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